
The site is run on a platform developed internally.

‘dart-social-movement’ is the social media platform that powers and can be used to host any social media platform around justice or rights cause. While it has many features like facebook (conversations, groups, image posts, likes, events), it is organized around a communally edited outline of projects and communally edited resources, plus root documents describing the movement’s agenda.

Most notable is that the movement has no fixed leadership. Certain people get administrative functions when they are leaders of projects, but those admins don’t have super-privileges. They can be voted out. Leaders of one project have no particular standing in other projects. The entire membership has to vote in changes in the root documents. Features like this make it democratic and therefore suitable for coalition building.

Spam control is integral to the system: each newly proposed item gets randomly routed to admins who confirm it is legitimate before being live.

For source code, please see dart-social-movement on github.


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